Products designed and manufactured by ATTECH have satisfied ICAO standards and have been granted with "Certificate of Technical Compliance applicable to aeronautical equipment designed, tested and manufactured in Vietnam operating in airports and aerodromes" by Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam .

Recorder calls on the analog phone, the voice signal transceiver device of the HF, VHF

Non-directional beacon monitor/arlarm receiver is used to receive signal of NDB transmitter located at NDB Landing station or NDB Enroute station. Purpose to serve the air traffic controller or relevant people in monitoring continuously the operation of the stations in the civil flight operations. The receiver manufactured by Air Traffic Technical Company Limited, is a kind of dedicated radio receiver, working at long wave (wavelength m) with the high sensitivity and selectivity, easy operation. The receiver operates stably in different environmental conditions.

GPS Clock system is an equipment system providing real-time information received from GPS receiver with high precise up to nanoseconds.

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast is a low-cost integrated solution replacing for secondary radar; and allows pilots and air traffic controllers to "see" and "monitor" flight activities with higher level of accuracy. The ADS-B system enhances and improves the coverage capability, contributing to help flight monitoring activities safer and airspace utilization more effective and efficient.

AMHS - Aeronautical Message Handling System have been developed base on X.400, X500 ITU standard and in full conpliance with ICAO AMHS SARPs, Eurocontrol Community Specifications and regional standards; ICAO Doc 9880, ICAO Annex 10 Vol II, EUR AMHS Manual, ASIA/PAC Technical Specification of Air Traffic Services Message Handling System (AMHS)... as a complete messaging solution on ATN with the capacity of generating, receiving and conveying AFTN Messages as well as ATS messages (Messeges bases on pre-defined templates as mandated in ICAO Doc: ICAO Annex 3, ICAO Doc 444/ATM/501, ICAO Doc 8126, ICAO Doc 9377, ICAO Annex 15 and WMO formats).

AMSS is installed at AFTN centers to send and distribute messages for exchanging aeronautical information among Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, airlines companies, air traffic management service, meteorological service, aeronautical information service providers and Air Traffic Control Centers…